import pandas as pd
from io import StringIO
import os
import re
from collections import namedtuple
def _isFile(input: str):
file_path_pattern = r'^(?:[a-zA-Z]:\\|\.{1,2}[\\\/]|\/)?(?:[\w\-\s]+[\\\/]?)+[\w\-\s]+\.[\w]+$'
if re.match(file_path_pattern, input):
if os.path.isfile(input):
return True
raise FileNotFoundError (f"The file {input} does not exist.")
return False
def _is_rdf_xml(content):
rdf_xml_pattern = r'^\s*<\?xml.*\?>.*<rdf:RDF'
return, content, re.DOTALL) is not None
def _is_turtle(content):
turtle_pattern = r'(@prefix|@base|<[^>]+>\s*<[^>]+>\s*<[^>]+>|<[^>]+>\s*<[^>]+>\s*"[^"]*")'
return, content) is not None
class CoreseAPI:
Simplified API to leverage functionality of Corese Java library (``corese-core``).
java_bridge : str, optional
Package name to use for Java integration. Options: 'py4j', 'jpype'. Default is 'py4j'.
corese_path : str, optional
Path to the corese-python library. If not specified (default), the jar
file that was installed with the package is used.
def __init__(self,
java_bridge: str = 'py4j',
corese_path: str|None = None):
if java_bridge.lower() not in ['py4j', 'jpype']:
raise ValueError('Invalid java bridge. Only "py4j" and "jpype" are supported.')
self.corese_path = corese_path
self.java_bridge = java_bridge.lower()
self.java_gateway = None
self._bridge = None
# This is a minimum set of Corese classes required for the API to work
self.Graph = None # Corese ``fr.inria.corese.core.Graph`` object
self.QueryProcess = None # Corese ``fr.inria.corese.core.query.QueryProcess`` object
self.ResultFormat = None # Corese ``fr.inria.corese.core.print.ResultFormat`` object
self.Load = None # Corese ``fr.inria.corese.core.load.Load`` object
self.RuleEngine = None # Corese ``fr.inria.corese.core.rule.RuleEngine`` object
self.Transformer = None # Corese ``fr.inria.corese.core.transform.Transformer`` object
self.Shacl = None # Corese ``fr.inria.corese.core.shacl.Shacl`` object
self.DataManager = None # Corese ```` object
self.CoreseGraphDataManager = None # Corese ```` object
self.CoreseGraphDataManagerBuilder = None # Corese ```` object
def coreseVersion(self)-> str|None:
Get the version of the corese-core library.
Corese library must be loaded first.
The version of the ``corese-core`` library used. If the library is not loaded, returns None.
#TODO: implement this to call the coreseVersion() from
# the corese engine (at the moment this method is static and
# may return bad result)
if self._bridge is None:
print("Corese engine is not loaded yet")
return None
return self._bridge.coreseVersion()
def unloadCorese(self):
Explicitly unload Corese library.
It's not necessary to call this method, as the library is automatically
unloaded when the Python interpreter exits.
After unloading Corese bridged by ``JPype`` it is not possible to restart it.
self.java_gateway = None
self.Graph = None
self.QueryProcess = None
self.ResultFormat = None
self.Load = None
def loadCorese(self) -> None:
"""Load Corese library into JVM and expose the Corese classes.
#TODO: refactor
if self.java_bridge == 'py4j':
from .py4J_bridge import Py4JBridge
self._bridge = Py4JBridge(corese_path = self.corese_path)
self.java_gateway = self._bridge.loadCorese()
from .jpype_bridge import JPypeBridge
self._bridge = JPypeBridge(corese_path = self.corese_path)
self.java_gateway =self._bridge.loadCorese()
# This is a minimum set of classes required for the API to work
# if we need more classes we should think about how to expose
# them without listing every single one of them here
self.Graph = self._bridge.Graph
self.Load = self._bridge.Load
self.QueryProcess = self._bridge.QueryProcess
self.ResultFormat = self._bridge.ResultFormat
self.RuleEngine = self._bridge.RuleEngine
self.Transformer = self._bridge.Transformer
# Classes to manage Graph(s) with different storage options
self.DataManager = self._bridge.DataManager
self.CoreseGraphDataManager = self._bridge.CoreseGraphDataManager
self.CoreseGraphDataManagerBuilder = self._bridge.CoreseGraphDataManagerBuilder
# Classes to manage SHACL validation
self.Shacl = self._bridge.Shacl
# Define the known namespaces
Namespace = namedtuple('Namespace', ['RDF', 'RDFS', 'SHACL'])
self.Namespaces = Namespace(
WHERE { ?o a sh:ValidationResult.
?o ?p ?s. }'''
#TODO: Add support for the other RDF formats
def loadRDF(self, rdf: str, graph=None)-> object:
Load RDF file/string into Corese graph. Supported formats are RDF/XML and Turtle.
rdf : str
Path to the RDF file or a string with RDF content.
graph : object, optional
Corese object of either ``fr.inria.corese.core.Graph`` or ```` type.
If an object is not provided (default), new Graph and GraphManager will be created.
Corese ```` object.
if not self.java_gateway:
assert self.Graph, 'Corese classes are not loaded properly.'
assert self.Load, 'Corese classes are not loaded properly.'
assert self.CoreseGraphDataManagerBuilder, 'Corese classes are not loaded properly.'
if not graph:
graph = self.Graph()
graph_mgr = self.CoreseGraphDataManagerBuilder().build()
ld = self.Load().create(graph, graph_mgr)
if _isFile(rdf):
if _is_rdf_xml(rdf):
ld.loadString(rdf, self.Load.RDFXML_FORMAT)
elif _is_turtle(rdf):
ld.loadString(rdf, self.Load.TURTLE_FORMAT)
raise ValueError('Unsupported RDF format. Only RDF/XML and Turtle are supported by this version')
return graph_mgr
def loadRuleEngine(self, graph: object,
profile: object,
replace:bool = False)-> object:
Load the rule engine for a given graph.
graph : object
Corese Graph or DataManager object
profile : object
Profile object for the rule engine. Accepted values:
replace : bool, optional
Replace the existing rule engine. Default is False.
Corese ``fr.inria.core.rule.RuleEngine`` object.
assert self.RuleEngine, 'Corese classes are not loaded properly.'
assert graph, 'Graph object is required.'
assert profile, 'Profile object is required.'
#TODO: assert profile is valid
if replace:
rule_engine = self.RuleEngine.create(graph)
return rule_engine
def resetRuleEngine(self, graph: object)-> None:
Reset the rule engine for a given graph.
graph : object
Corese Graph or DataManager object
assert self.RuleEngine, 'Corese classes are not loaded properly.'
assert graph, 'Graph object is required.'
rule_engine = self.RuleEngine.create(graph.getGraph())
def sparqlSelect(self, graph: object,
prefixes: str|list|None = None,
query: str ='SELECT * WHERE {?s ?p ?o} LIMIT 5',
return_dataframe: bool =True)-> object|pd.DataFrame:
Execute SPARQL SELECT or ASK query on Corese graph. Optionally return the result as DataFrame.
graph : object
Corese Graph or DataManager object
prefixes : str or list, optional
namespace prefixes. Default is None.
query : str, optional
SPARQL query. By default five first triples of the graph are returned.
return_dataframe : bool, optional
Return the result as a DataFrame. Default is True.
object or pd.DataFrame
Result of the SPARQL query in CSV-formatted ``fr.inria.core.print.ResultFormat``
object or a DataFrame.
assert self.QueryProcess, 'Corese classes are not loaded properly.'
assert self.ResultFormat, 'Corese classes are not loaded properly.'
if not graph:
raise ValueError('Graph object is required.')
#TODO: extract method to create a prefix string
if not prefixes:
prefixes = ''
if isinstance(prefixes, list):
prefixes = '\n'.join(prefixes)
exec = self.QueryProcess.create(graph)
map = exec.query('\n'.join([prefixes, query]) )
# to keep it simple for now return the result in CSV format
result = self.ResultFormat.create(map, self.ResultFormat.SPARQL_RESULTS_CSV)
if return_dataframe:
return self.toDataFrame(result)
return result
def toDataFrame(self, queryResult: object,
dtypes: list|dict|None = None)-> pd.DataFrame:
Convert Corese ResultFormat object to ``pandas.DataFrame``.
queryResult : object
CSV-formatted ``fr.inria.core.print.ResultFormat`` object.
dtypes : list or dict, optional
Optional column data types for the columns in the format as in ``panads.read_csv`` method.
Corese object converted to a DataFrame.
assert self.ResultFormat, 'Corese classes are not loaded properly.'
df = pd.read_csv(StringIO(str(queryResult)),
# Assign n/a to empty strings
string_dtypes = df.convert_dtypes().select_dtypes("string")
df[string_dtypes.columns] = string_dtypes.replace(r'^\s*$', None, regex=True)
return df
#TODO: add timeout
def sparqlConstruct(self, graph: object,
prefixes: str|list|None = None,
query: str ='',
merge: bool=False)-> object:
Execute SPARQL CONSTRUCT query on Corese graph.
Optionally the new triples can be merged with the existing graph.
graph : object
Corese Graph or DataManager object
prefixes : str or list, optional
namespace prefixes. Default is None.
query : str, optional
SPARQL query. Default is empty string resulting in empty graph.
merge : bool, optional
Option to merge the result with the existing graph. Default is False.
Result of the SPARQL CONSTRUCT query in RDF/XML format.
assert self.QueryProcess, 'Corese classes are not loaded properly.'
assert self.ResultFormat, 'Corese classes are not loaded properly.'
if not graph:
raise ValueError('Graph object is required.')
#todo: extract method to create a prefix string
if not prefixes:
prefixes = ''
if isinstance(prefixes, list):
prefixes = '\n'.join(prefixes)
exec = self.QueryProcess.create(graph)
map = exec.query('\n'.join([prefixes, query]) )
if merge:
result = self.ResultFormat.create(map, self.ResultFormat.DEFAULT_CONSTRUCT_FORMAT)
return result
def toTurtle(self, rdf:object)-> str:
Convert RDF/XML to Turtle format.
rdf : object
Corese RDF object
RDF in Turtle format.
assert self.Transformer, 'Corese classes are not loaded properly.'
# TODO: ASk Remi about getGraph, the Graph and the right way to do the transformation
ttl = self.Transformer.create(rdf.getMappings().getGraph(), self.Transformer.TURTLE)
return ttl.toString()
#TODO: ASk Remi what are the acceptable shacl formats
def shaclValidate(self, graph: object,
prefixes: str|list|None = None,
shacl_shape_ttl: str ='',
return_dataframe = False)-> object:
Validate RDF graph against SHACL shape.
This version supports only Turtle format to define a SHACL shape.
graph : object
Corese Graph or DataManager object
prefixes : str or list, optional
namespace prefixes. Default is None.
shacl_shape_ttl : str, optional
SHACL shape in Turtle format. If not provided, the validation will be skipped.
return_dataframe : bool, optional
Return the validation report as a DataFrame. Default is False.
SHACL validation report in Turtle format.
assert self.Shacl, 'Corese classes are not loaded properly.'
prefix_shacl = f'@prefix sh: <{self.Namespaces.SHACL}> .'
if not prefixes:
prefixes = ''
if isinstance(prefixes, list):
prefixes = '\n'.join(prefixes)
prefixes = '\n'.join([prefixes, prefix_shacl])
shapeGraph = self.Graph()
ld = self.Load.create(shapeGraph)
if _isFile(shacl_shape_ttl):
# Load shape graph from file
# Load shape graph from string
ld.loadString('\n'.join([prefixes, shacl_shape_ttl]),
# Evaluation
shacl = self.Shacl(graph.getGraph(), shapeGraph)
result = shacl.eval()
trans = self.Transformer.create(result, self.Transformer.TURTLE)
if return_dataframe:
return self.shaclReportToDataFrame(str(trans.toString()))
return str(trans.toString())
# Parse validation report
def shaclReportToDataFrame(self, validation_report: str)-> pd.DataFrame:
Convert SHACL validation report to ``pandas.DataFrame``.
validation_report : str
SHACL validation report in Turtle format.
Validation report as a DataFrame.
prefix_shacl = f'@prefix sh: <{self.Namespaces.SHACL}> .'
validation_report_graph = self.loadRDF(validation_report)
report = self.sparqlSelect(validation_report_graph, prefix_shacl, self.SHACL_REPORT_QUERY)
report = report.pivot(index='o', columns='p', values='s')
report.columns = [uri.split('#')[-1] for uri in report.columns]
#TODO cleanup the report
return report
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Initialize the CoreseAPI
cr = CoreseAPI(java_bridge='py4j')
# Load RDF file
gr = cr.loadRDF(os.path.abspath(os.path.join('.', 'examples', 'data','beatles.rdf')))
print("Graph size: ", gr.graphSize())
# Load Rule Engine OwlRL
ren = cr.loadRuleEngine(gr, profile=cr.RuleEngine.Profile.OWLRL)
print("Graph size: ", gr.graphSize())
# Load another Rule Engine e.g. RDFS to replace the existing one
ren = cr.loadRuleEngine(gr, profile=cr.RuleEngine.Profile.RDFS, replace=True)
print("Graph size: ", gr.graphSize())
# Reset Rule Engine
print("Graph size: ", gr.graphSize())
# Execute SPARQL SELECT query
res = cr.sparqlSelect(gr, query='select * where {?s ?p ?o} limit 5')
# Convert the result to DataFrame
# Execute SPARQL CONSTRUCT query
prefixes = ['@prefix ex: <>']
contruct = '''CONSTRUCT {?Beatle a ex:BandMember }
WHERE { ex:The_Beatles ex:member ?Beatle}'''
results = cr.sparqlConstruct(gr, prefixes=prefixes, query=contruct)
# Convert the result to Turtle
# Execute SHACL validation
shacl_shape_file = '.\\examples\\data\\beatles-validator.ttl'
report = cr.shaclValidate(gr, shacl_shape_ttl=shacl_shape_file, prefixes=prefixes)
# Convert SHACL validation report to DataFrame
shr = cr.shaclReportToDataFrame(report)
# Shutdown the JVM